Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation

Carbon Nanotube Devices

Superior Nanotube Film for High Performance Field Effect Transistors

UW-Madison researchers have developed a method to make a dense, highly aligned film of semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes. The s-SWCNTs are applied in controlled ‘doses,’ which allows for the rapid sequential deposition of narrow films or ‘stripes’ with continuous control over width, density and periodicity. The film can be incorporated in high performance field effect transistors and other devices including displays, sensors, biosensors and heterojunction devices (e.g., solar cells).

Principal Investigator: Mike Arnold

Important Details

Pitch Deck
Tech Summary I
Tech Summary II

In the News: For First Time, Carbon Nanotube Transistors Outperform Silicon
In the News: Carbon Nanotube Finding Could Lead to Flexible Electronics with Longer Battery Life
In the News: Carbon Nanotube Outperforms Silicon: Will Microprocessors Ditch Silicon Transistors Over Carbon Nanotube Transistors?


If you are interested in licensing this technology or learning more, please contact:
Jeanine Burmania | 608-960-9846

If you are interested in learning more about WARF Accelerator technologies, please contact:
Greg Keenan | 608-960-9849